Sister Kelly Was Saved as a Little Girl

I was saved as a young child, but after years my life seemed to get hard, and it made my heart hard.  It was like the good Lord had to break me so he could mold me into something He could use. I had to learn all over how to completely “Trust in the Lord”, and that is when I got the joy back that the Lord gave me when he saved my soul.

I know we don’t lose our salvation, and I know we don’t get saved twice. But, when I became dependent on the Lord all over again, He brought that wonderful peace back into my heart and I felt brand new all over again. And now I cling to him with all of my heart, not like the child that took His Grace for granted.

Psa 51:12  Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

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  • Janie Owen 14 years ago

    This is so true. I really enjoyed your testimony. It is so like mine. It really bothers me when the Lord can’t use me and I know I am not where He wants me to be and sometimes it is hard to get back where He wants us to be. Thank you for telling your experience. It really hit home to me.

  • Kelly Wall 14 years ago

    You are welcome. I am so thankful they started this and the Lord gave me the opportunity to share my experience.
